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By the Community,

For the Community.

The Bridge of Earn Institute was officially opened in January 1909. The Institute is owned by the village and is built on ground donated by the Moncrieffe family who were, and still are local landowners and who still take a strong interest and provide support to the Institute. The lead player in raising money for the building of the Institute was Herbert Pullar of Dunbarney Estate and a Director of the well known Pullars' of Perth Cleaner and Dyers of international fame. The Institute is run by a voluntary Management Committee, with any profit reinvested for the benefit of the community.

In 2009 it celebrated its Centenary year, and today it remains the hub of the community, playing host to a multitude of groups which serve the community in various ways.

The Institute has 3 main halls, the Earn Room, the Main Hall and the Moncrieffe Room; each suitable for a variety of functions.

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