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News - April 2017

As part of the "Institute 2020" refurbishment planning, the committee would like to gather opinion on what facilities you would like to see at the Institute in the future.


A survey has been created here:

to gather YOUR thoughts on the Institute as it is a the moment, as well as your suggestions for the future.


Please take this opportunity to contribute and help provide the community with facilities for the 21st Century.

Newsletter - November 2016

Welcome to Bridge of Earn Institute News.  This information sheet has been created to give local residents an insight into the history of the Institute, but more importantly to provide information about major developments planned for it’s future”.

Bridge of Earn Institute was built in 1908 for the purpose of the social, moral and educational benefit of the residents of Bridge of Earn and surrounding area.  It stands on land gifted by the Moncrieffe family, and was partly funded by both the Moncrieffe and Pullar families, with the assistance of a series of fundraising activities by, and for, the local residents. 

Now, as then over 100 years ago, the Institute is owned by the village and is run by a management committee, with support from the Institute Trustees.Over the years the Institute has seen many changes in the form of upgrades and renewals to its fixtures and fittings, not to mention an extension in the form of the Earn Room.

Despite the ongoing and regular maintenance programme the Institute is now beginning to show its age through general wear and tear as it continues to be a well-used hub of community life.


2016 has seen a dynamic Committee formed who are all keen to ensure that the Institute remains a valuable asset to the Community for the next 100 years, with facilities fit for purpose for the 21st Century.

The proposed challenge will take the form of a huge renovation project – not just a quick facelift but a long term programme of works taking in all areas of the Institute and including exterior works.

Some of the proposed modernisations are:

  • New kitchen, complete with new cooker and industrial dishwasher

  • New toilets in the Earn Room

  • Completion of the ongoing double glazing programme with replacement of the Main Hall windows.

  • New boiler and a review of the existing heating system

  • New toilets in the main foyer

  • Replacement of all Fire Doors

  • New Front doors with silent, automatic closures

  • WiFi

This list is not exhaustive but is an indication of the scale of the planned works.


We also want to hear what changes you would like to see made to the Institute and following the October holidays a survey will be launched gather your views.

This project will only be realised at a great cost, and a major fundraising project is now underway.

The Committee are working with the local Senior Community Capacity Worker, Tracey Ramsay, to apply for major funding from a variety of sources, however, as most funding is granted on a match-funding basis Bridge of Earn Institute NEEDS YOU to support this project and the programme of fundraising activities the Committee have planned for the community.

The first of these activities took place on Friday 1 October 2016 with a Comedy Night featuring Bruce Fummey.  This Bring Your Own Bottle event was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended.


A Burns Supper will kick off fundraising events for 2017 (more information will follow in due course) with more events planned throughout the year.


To help spread communications and provide regular updates on progress there are a number of options you can use:


As already indicated this is not going to happen overnight and the anticipated deadline is 2020.

We hope that with your support, in 2117 the Institute will continue to be the hub of the Community, providing social moral and educational benefit to the future residents of Bridge of Earn and surrounding area.

‘Institute 2020 – Together We’ll Get There!’


Bridge of Earn Institute – Management Committee

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